Elite International Travel Insurance

You can be under the guarantee of Sompo against all kinds of risks you may encounter during your international travels.


You are under the guarantee of Sompo with extensive guarantees in all your international travels. Overseas Travel Insurance protects you against many risks you may encounter during your international travels. Your travels will now be more enjoyable and safe!

Product Guarantees

Elite International Travel Insurance

Luggage Loss and Theft

Elite International Travel Insurance

Cash advance

Elite International Travel Insurance

Transfer and/or Return Travel of the Insured for Medical Reasons

Elite International Travel Insurance

Medical Treatment Coverage

Tour Cancellation of the Insured

Tour Cancellation of the Insured

Bankruptcy of travel agency and failure to fulfill the commitment

Bankruptcy of travel agency and failure to fulfill the commitment

  • You will be under coverage against extortion or pick-pocketing when traveling abroad .
  • You are also assured against any negativity arising from the failure of the travel agency to fulfill its commitment.
  • If you need to cancel the tour for a valid reason, you can claim your loss.
  • If your scheduled international flight is delayed by more than 6 hours, you can cover your emergency expenses.
  • If you suddenly become ill or injured while traveling, you can also cover for your hospital, surgery and treatment costs.
  • If your baggage is lost, stolen, damaged or not found on scheduled flights, you will be secured.
  • Insurance time options are available.
  • Your policy is issued in both English and Turkish.
  • Deductible (participation in damage) is not applied.

  • Worldwide (excluding Afghanistan, Iraq and Turkey) 30.000-EUR