Covid-19 Coronavirus Travel Insurance Abroad

Don't forget to take your coronavirus precautions before your trip abroad! COVID-19 Overseas Travel Insurance, besides the risk of illness; It also protects against possible lengthening of accommodation. For detailed information, click and review now.
Covid-19 Coronavirus Travel Insurance Abroad
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In addition to the Covid-19 coverage during the pandemic period; In case the insured is quarantined at the hotel, Sompo Sigorta is with you with Covid-19 Travel Insurance for your urgent needs!

Product Guarantees

Covid-19 Coronavirus Travel Insurance Abroad

Urgent Messages

Covid-19 Coronavirus Travel Insurance Abroad

Medical Consulting

Covid-19 Coronavirus Travel Insurance Abroad

Loss of Luggage

Covid-19 Coronavirus Travel Insurance Abroad

Accommodation Guarantee Due to Covid-19 Quarantine

Covid-19 Coronavirus Travel Insurance Abroad

Travel or Transport of the Insured

Covid-19 Coronavirus Travel Insurance Abroad

Transfer of the Insured to Permanent Residence

Covid-19 Coronavirus Travel Insurance Abroad

Transport of the Insured's Funeral

Covid-19 Coronavirus Travel Insurance Abroad

Medical And Inpatient Treatment (Including Covid-19)

Product Advantages

  • Medical and inpatient treatment expenses of Covid-19 are covered within the scope of guarantees if the diagnosis of Covid-19 is made abroad.
  • Due to the fact that you are detected to have Covid-19 during your trip abroad and you are quarantined, expenses related to hotel accommodation, food and clothing needs are covered.
  • On scheduled flights, you are secured in case your luggage is lost, stolen, damaged or cannot be found.
  • Upon your request, urgent or necessary messages will be delivered regarding the issues covered by the policy coverage.

Coverage Limit - Geographical Area
