Corporate Social Responsibility
Sompo Sigorta Calls Society to “Respect for Earth”
Sompo Sigorta undertakes a 360-degree long-term corporate social responsibility project that will raise awareness on global warming and climate change that threatens the continuity of life on the earth seriously, primarily on the social, then on the individual scale.
Overheating on the Earth and the resulting climate change threaten our daily lives at a much higher rate. Unexpected weather events are now felt in cities. Urban floods taking place due to inadequate urban infrastructure that cannot tolerate unusual rainfall, weather conditions such as hail, storms and tornadoes, further threaten the quality of life.
Sompo Sigorta, which aims to raise awareness at the social and individual level beyond the commercial and pragmatic point of view on climate change, which is among the biggest risks to the continuity of life today, is realizing the Respect for Earth ”project. Starting from Sompo employees; The Sompo Group aims to raise awareness of agencies, insurance customers, young people and the general public under the project. The company cooperating with the Meteorology and Disaster Management Professor Mikdat Kadioglu, who is one of the most prominent scholars in Turkey on climate, plans to undertake initiatives that will be transformed into action under the project.
“The insurance sector is the leading sector in raising awareness and taking precautions on climate change.”
Sompo Sigorta CEO Recai Dalas, who gave some details about the project made following statement: Average temperature for Turkey is expected to increase by 2 to 4 degrees until 2050. As a result of the increase in sudden rainfall, the urban floods become more frequent and vital. As a result of global warming and climate change, agricultural production is damaged and natural agricultural areas are destroyed, resulting in the inability to access natural products. Polluted oceans and seas cause the extinction of fish species. In society, there is no awareness on basic disasters and the responsibility of the human being should emerge at this point and this issue should be underlined. ”
“The insurance sector is one of the priority sectors that should be involved in raising awareness and taking precautions against climate change ... Policy holders have to be paid more as extreme weather events such as floods, droughts, storms and heatwaves become more frequent and more severe. Financial reserves and technical consequences of insurance companies are affected due to adverse effects such as weather-related financial losses, technological changes, risk responsibility and health problems. As a company operating in the insurance sector, we aimed to fully embrace the issue of climate change and to carry out a corporate social responsibility project that encompasses all of our social stakeholders through awareness-raising activities. As a Japanese company, we would like to underline the fact that we show respect, which is one of the greatest values of Japanese people, to the Earth with this project undertaken. We also work with the valuable Prof. Dr. Mikdat Kadioglu, whose consultancy for us under the project is very valuable for us.”
Respet for Earth, also undertakes an initiative that will cover cultural transformation...
With the project initiated, Sompo Sigorta primarily aims to implement a research on climate change in Turkey in cooperation with a leading university. The Company, planning to organize seminars with Prof. Dr. Mikdat Kadioglu on awareness for Sompo agencies throughout Turkey, will also organize a photo exhibition with Respect for Earth theme. Again with the participation of Prof.Dr. Dr. Sompo Sigorta, aiming to address society in general with the radio spots theming a better future again with the participation of Prof. Dr. Mikdat Kadioglu, will establish the Climate Volunteers group with the participation both its agencies and employees.
Sompo desires to undertake an initiative that will include cultural transformation by making the employees of the company a part of the original culture created by not only contentment but also for the employees of the Group's global subsidiaries.
The company, which is also working on a product that will cover the damages caused by natural disasters such as floods, hail and storms caused by climate change, plans to develop solutions for corporate customers, too.