Claims Account Number Notification

Claims Account Number Notification Notifications of Rights Holders
File Number is missing or you entered it incorrectly.
Victim ID is missing or entered incorrectly.
Plate ID is missing or entered incorrectly.
Personal Information
is missing or you have entered incorrectly.
T.C. ID is missing or entered incorrectly.
Mobile Phone field cannot be left blank.
The phone number field cannot be left blank.
E-mail is missing or entered incorrectly.
Bank Account
Select the application type.
Choose City field cannot be left blank.
Bank field cannot be left blank.
Branch field cannot be left blank.
Account Number is missing or entered incorrectly.
Iban is missing or entered incorrectly.
Attention please
* Do not fill out this form for files taken by power of attorney. * The person whose account number is notified must be insured/licensee.
If a different person's account number is reported, the transaction will not take place. SOMPO Insurance Inc. is not responsible for delays and disruptions that may result from incorrect or incomplete reporting of the account number.